- Calgary Mentors/Technical Advisors: Mr. David Lloyd, Dr. Magdalena Pop, Mr. Iain George (we are especially grateful for their patience in teaching us – we really knew nothing about synthetic biology and how any of the equipment was supposed to work ie. workshops, VROC, emails, …)
- Kitwas Ng at iGEM headquarters – especially for rushing us our parts and helping with our “plasmid resistance debacle”
- Sarah Lee and Jennifer Hill from Alberta Innovates and Geekstarter
- Sacred Heart Parish Church for ethics contributions (Deacon West).
- Canmore Mayor John Borrowman and Town Councillors for hearing our presentation and supporting us, encouraging us to apply for a project grant next year
- Maureen MacLellan (safety officer) for touring our lab and giving input to safety practices
- Canmore Sweat Shop for rushing the order for our T-Shirts
- John Paul II Collegiate for lending us the autoclave and Holy Trinity Academy for lending us a centrifuge
- Janell Toews for organizing logistics, cooking our workshop meals, flying us to Cambridge!
Justin Parsons from the Crag and Canyon newspaper for featuring us in a May 2014 article, including a one hour interview and photo session.
Wendy Hutchins at the University of Calgary for helping us with our major lab order to get our lab started.
- OLS Science Department for giving up most of their teacher lab prep space and supporting us in the school newsletter. All other OLS teachers who gave us classroom audiences to practice our presentations in front of other students.
- The OLS Team listed at our web site for their individual contributions to the project each in their own way