Team:WalthamHS BioHawks/Members
Rutvi Bhatt: Hi, I am Rutvi and I am a BioHawk. I love Biology and learning about stuff we experience in everyday life. I find microbiology very interesting and lab work helps me understand the concepts. I love community service and I am involved numerous awareness activities in India and Waltham. I am in charge of making the website for iGEM and helping plan the project. I look forward to presenting our project at MIT and making Waltham Proud!! Role: In charge of designing, editing and making the website and planning and organizing work.
Micheal Perlow: I am a recent graduate of Waltham High School, in the class of 2014. Being naturally curious, especially in the sciences, I take a particular liking to biology. Last summer, I worked with a graduate student in the Biochemistry department at Brandeis University. Dealing with molecule-interactions (between RPS30B RNA and the u1 snRNP protein), we transformed bacteria and yeast to produce the desired nucleotides or polypeptides. Using that experience combined with the AP Biology class under Mrs. Maddox taken in the 2013-2014 school year, I have developed skills and experience highly adequate for use in synthetic biology. Role: Lab technician and wiki editor.
Edward Lo: Hi, my name is Edward Lo and I am currently a junior at Waltham High school. My hobbies include playing the piano and playing tennis. I decided to join to iGEM Club because it interested me in how high school kids could customize their bacteria to perform different tasks. My job on the team is to do lab work and to provide help in the wiki and other things that need to be done. Role: Lab technician and wiki editor.
Mina Antic: Hi! I’m a junior at Waltham High School, and always been interested in the sciences (the reason why I’m in the Synthetic Bio Club and why I’m working on this team). Biology is probably (read: definitely) going to be my major when I leave high school and I thought this project would be a good experience. But besides that, I enjoy playing volleyball, painting, and sleeping. Particularly sleeping, which I don’t do as much as I want to. Role: Lab technician and wiki editor.
Molly Wack: My name is Molly Wack, and I’m a junior at Waltham High School. I joined this club because I think synthetic biology is a rapidly growing field and it’s an exciting time to join it. In my free time I like to nap and eat, and I like to play basketball and lacrosse too. Role: Wiki editor.
Leon Mamish: I am Leon Mamish take out the student and what do you get? Genius, Billionaire, Playboy (ok not really), Philanthropist. But seriously, I am a student at Waltham High School interested in the sciences, specifically Biology and Chemistry. I joined the iGem Team due to my strong interest in Biology and plan to peruse a career in science. My hobbies include sleeping, watching movies, sports and eating. Also, sleeping. Role: Lab technician and wiki editor.
Jason Gonsalves: I’ve always had a peculiar interest for science. I’ve completed Environmental Science, Biology, Chemistry and AP Biology in high school and my interest has only grown stronger. When I heard about Synthetic Biology Club, I just had to check it out to sate my pursuit of the field. I love biology specifically and wish to pursue a carrier in it. My other hobbies are track and field, writing and sleeping. Role: Lab technician
Marisa Maddox: I have been teaching high school biology at Waltham for seven years. I received my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in microbiology from UMASS Amherst. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling and sleeping. Role: Instructor
Edward Wack : I am an adviser to the Waltham BioHawks iGEM team. When I'm not coaching youth sports or gardening and doing yard work, I lead the Bioengineering Systems and Technology Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Role: Advisor