Team:WalthamHS BioHawks


Revision as of 17:46, 16 June 2014 by RutviBio (Talk | contribs)

<meta name="title" content="Results - Waltham High School Bio Hawks" /> <meta itemprop="name" content="Results - Waltham High School Bio Hawks" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Results - Waltham High School Bio Hawks" /> <style type="text/css">#body .goog-menuitem .sites-moreactions-icon { margin-top: 0; }

/* Not sure exactly why, but I found that in the presence of position: relative (css) we need to trigger IE's internal, proprietary "hasLayout" mode in order to render correctly. This is for all the zoom: 1 (css) in the file. */

  1. body #sites-page-toolbar {

zoom: 1; position: relative; }

/* (midoringo) fixes b1471374 rule for toolbar to show correctly in RTL for IE6 */ /* Don't know what exactly this fix the problem. */

  1. sites-page-toolbar #sites-page-info-bar {

/* position: static; */ zoom: 1; }

/* rule for toolbar's border-bottom to show correctly in RTL for IE6 */

  1. sites-collaborator-bar{

position: relative; }

  1. sites-searchbox-search-button{

height: 21px; }

  1. sites-searchbox-select-button-wrapper{

height: 21px; }

  1. body .sites-attachment-icon,
  2. body .sites-comment-icon {

font-size: 1px !important; }

/* trigger layout, otherwise the bgcolor on the comments area only fills to halfway down */

  1. body #sites-comment-wrapper,
  2. body #sites-attachment-wrapper {

zoom: 1; }

  1. body .sites-button-icon {

margin-right: 5px; }

/* (midoringo) This fixes bug 1867401, seems like position: static fixes some */ /* IE RTL problem, but I don't know how exactly this fix the problem. */

  1. body .modal-dialog-title {

/* position: static; */ zoom: 1; }

  1. body .modal-dialog-content {

height: 1%; }

  1. body .goog-sites-pagefinder hr {

clear: both; }

  1. body .goog-sites-pagefinder .goog-tabpane {

height: 225px; }

  1. body .modal-dialog .goog-ws-logo {

width: 400px; }

  1. body .goog-button-base {

margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; }

  1. body .sites-filecab-icon-delete {

height: 20px; background-position: 0 2px; }

  1. body .sites-filecab-icon-folder {

height: 20px; background-position: 0 2px; }

  1. body .sites-filecab-icon-new {

height: 20px; background-position: 0 2px; }

  1. body .sites-toolbar-icon-new {

height: 20px; background-position: 0 2px; }

  1. body .sites-toolbar-icon-edit {

height: 20px; background-position: -13px 2px; }

  1. body .sites-toolbar-icon-more-actions {

height: 20px; margin: 0; }

  1. body .sites-format-menu {

/* IE 6 hack - otherwise it renders the menu at 100% screen width for some reason */ _width: 20em; }

.sites-format-menu .goog-menuitem-rtl { width: 150px; }

.sites-menu-insert .goog-menuitem-rtl{ width: 200px; }

.sites-format-submenu .goog-menuitem-rtl { width: 60px; }

.sites-insert-submenu .goog-menuitem-rtl{ width: 100px; }

.sites-menu-layout .goog-menuitem-rtl{ width: 15em; }

/* This is fix for bug 1891361 in the IE6 portion, This allows the icon in the MenuItem to display correctly on the right side. */

  1. body .goog-toolbar-menu-item-icon {

_position: static; }

  1. body .announcements .announcement .postfooter p {

margin: 0; padding: 0 0 15px; }

  1. body .filecabinet .filecabinet-table {

border-collapse: collapse; }

  1. body .announcements {

zoom: 1; }

/* Fix for bug 1902901, parts of the list page are rendered off screen for IE RTL. This fixes the position: relative used by the layout */

  1. body .sites-list-showing-items,
  2. body #sites-list-controls,
  3. body .list-page {

zoom: 1; }

/* Fix for bug 1902397, float right causes text to shift out of bound of the containing <a> */

  1. body .sites-list-sort-button {

float: none; }

  1. addPageElementEl .goog-ws-add {

margin-right: 12px; }

  1. body .lp-createpage-tree {

height: 202px; }

.sitelayout-dlg-img-container { zoom: 1; }

.sites-sidebar-nav li { zoom: 1; }

.nav-toc-content li { zoom: 1; }

td.sites-copy-cell-name { padding: 6px 10px 0 10px; }

td.sites-copy-cell { padding-top: 6px; }

/*hack to fix the collaborator bar gradient for ie */

  1. sites-page-toolbar {

position: relative; z-index: 101; }

/* Both IE6 and IE7 look at the css rule border-bottom-width: 0 and use

width: 1px instead... fortunately IE7 knows what border-color: transparent

means, so it doesn't have ugly border allover.  This rule targets nav in IE6

and set border-width to 0px to get rid of the problem.
  • /
  1. body .sites-sidebar-nav li,
  2. body .sites-sidebar-nav div,
  3. body .sites-sidebar-nav a {

_border-bottom-width: 0px !important; }

.sites-clear { zoom: 1; /* triggers hasLayout */ display: block; /* resets display for IE/Win */ }

.sites-header-nav-container-tabs li { border-style: solid; border-color: #ddd; border-width: 1px 1px 0px; }

.sites-header-nav-container-boxes li { border: 1px #ddd solid; }