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            <h1>Conference on Synthetic Biology</h1>
            <p>As part of our Human Practices, on June 14th 2014, we gave a
              presentation for students and teachers from Tecnológico de
              Monterrey, Colegio Lestonnac and other Middle School and High
              School level institutes. As students and teachers who are
              interested in Science were invited, their participation was very
              dynamic. There, we explained basic concepts of Synthetic Biology
              and Biotechnology to the audience.</p>
            <p><img src="" alt="" height="272" width="480"><br>
              Our main topic was Synthetic Biology and its present and future
              applications. But, in order to transmit our message clearly, we
              had to start from the basics; that is why, one of our contents
              (the first one to be presented), were the characteristics of
              living beings. In this point, we stated that a living being has
              complex and organized systems, have a metabolism, need to maintain
              homeostasis, can grow, can reproduce, respond to stimuli, and are
            <p><img src="" alt="" height="272" width="480"><br>
              We gave the definition of Synthetic Biology as the design and
              construction of biological parts, devices or systems, or the
              re-designing of existent natural biological systems in order for
              them to be useful, and we also explained the techniques for the
              creation of synthetic organisms, such as acceleration of heavy
              particles, electroporation or heat shock. &nbsp;In order to
              complement the concepts, we presented some examples of synthetic
              organisms and their functions, such as water pollution-absorbing
              plants, trees that change their color in case of a chemical attack
              and goats that can produce spider web.</p>
            <p><img src="" alt="" height="272" width="480"><br>
              Afterwards, we explained our participation in the iGEM contest,
              described our project to the audience (who found it interesting
              and useful) and performed an experiment which consisted in
              extracting DNA from bananas to stimulate their scientific
              curiosity. </p>
            <h2><img src="" alt="" height="272" width="480"></h2>
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Latest revision as of 03:24, 21 June 2014