Team:CIDEB-UANL Mexico/achievements


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iGEM CIDEB 2014 - Achievements


During the project, iGEM CIDEB 2014 acquired the following achievements:

Dry Lab

Characterize a part from another team and submitting it to the registry.

-> BSMT1 (BBa_J45004) from MIT 2006

√ Create a completely new part in the registry.

-> BBa_K1255000

√ Finish a construction of the project from another team.

-> UANL 2012:

-> BBa_K888005, BBa_K888000, BBa_K888001.

√ Use an already existent part from the registry.

-> IrrE (BBa_K729001) from UCL 2012.

Lab Work

√ Obtain the experimental results that were needed for the correct function of our project, from at least one part.

√ All the lab work was performed following the correct methods and the safety protocols.

Math Model

√ Mathematically modeled all the four modules of our project:

-> Aroma

-> Union

-> Resistance

-> Capture

√ Graphs were done with the correct information from the model.

Human Practices

√ Achieve that all students from our high school knew what iGEM is and the explanation of this year’s project.

√ Give a presentation to 40 foreign teachers in which it was explained what iGEM is and our project.

√ Organize a 4k race for students and general public to promote: health, science and iGEM’s work.

√ Collaborate with the HS teams UCL Academy and GenetiX Tec CCM.

√ Collaborate with the College team Evry.

√ Create a videogame to recreate the main function of our project.

√ Participate in an event with all the iGEM teams from the state.


√ Perform a complete Risk Analysis from our project.

√ Design a contention method for our bacteria.

iGEM CIDEB 2014 - Footer