Team:Ravenwood Raptors/Team/About


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<!-- Logo -->
<h1><font color=black>Ravenwood</font><font color=#820909> Raptors</font></h1>
<!-- Navigation -->
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<li class='active'><a href=''><span>Home</span></a></li>
<li class='has-sub'><a href='#'><span>Team</span></a>
<li class='active'><a href=''><span>About</span></a>
<li class='active'><a href=''><span>Members</span></a>
<li class='has-sub'><a href='#'><span>Project</span></a>
<li class='active'><a href=''><span>Overview</span></a>
<li class='active'><a href=''><span>Process</span></a>
<li class='active'><a href=''><span>Results</span></a>
<li class='has-sub'><a href='#'><span>Technicalities</span></a>
<li class='active'><a href=''><span>Safety</span></a>
<li class='active'><a href=''><span>Credits</span></a>
<li class='active'><a href=''><span>Sponsors</span></a>
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<!-- Codes by -->
<p style="font-size:18px;color:orange;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #666;">Eliot Can hack so well</p>
<!-- Codes by -->
<img src="" width="900" height="500" alt="Photo of Milford Sound in New Zealand" />
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Latest revision as of 04:45, 30 May 2014