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| + | <h1 style="color:red;"><em>RECENT BREAKTHROUGHS</em></h1> |
| + | <p><em>No more iGem Banners~!!!!</em></p> |
| + | <p>Great Victory in integrating CSS into HTML</p> |
| | | |
- | <!-- Header
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- | <li class="current"><a class="smoothscroll" href="#home">Home</a></li>
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- | <li><a class="smoothscroll" href="#styles">Style Guide</a></li>
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| | | |
- | <div class="row banner">
| + | {|align="justify" |
- | <div class="banner-text">
| + | |You can write a background of your team here. Give us a background of your team, the members, etc. Or tell us more about something of your choosing. |
- | <h1 class="responsive-headline">I'm Jonathan Doe.</h1>
| + | |[[Image:Mingdao_logo.png|200px|right|frame]] |
- | <h3>I'm a Manila based <span>graphic designer</span>, <span>illustrator</span> and <span>webdesigner</span> creating awesome and
| + | |- |
- | effective visual identities for companies of all sizes around the globe. Let's <a class="smoothscroll" href="#about">start scrolling</a>
| + | | |
- | and learn more <a class="smoothscroll" href="#about">about me</a>.</h3>
| + | ''Tell us more about your project. Give us background. Use this as the abstract of your project. Be descriptive but concise (1-2 paragraphs)'' |
- | <hr />
| + | |[[Image:Mingdao_team.png|right|frame|Your team picture]] |
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| + | |- |
- | </div>
| + | | |
- | </div>
| + | |align="center"|[[Team:Mingdao | Team Mingdao]] |
| + | |} |
| | | |
- | <p class="scrolldown">
| + | <!--- Team Information Link ---> |
- | <a class="smoothscroll" href="#styles"><i class="icon-down-circle"></i></a>
| + | |
- | </p>
| + | |
| | | |
- | </header> <!-- Header End -->
| + | {| style="color:#1b2c8a;background-color:#0c6;" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="1" bordercolor="#fff" width="62%" align="center" |
| + | !align="center"|[https://igem.org/Team.cgi?year=2013&division=high_school&team_name=Mingdao Official Team Profile] |
| + | |} |
| | | |
- | <!-- Style Guide Section
| + | ===Team=== |
- | ================================================== -->
| + | |
- | <section id="styles" style="padding: 90px 0 72px; background: #fff;">
| + | |
| | | |
- | <div class="row add-bottom">
| + | ===Project=== |
| + | :Food wastes are discarded and unable to be used. Recycling and reuse of the wastes are getting increasingly attention. Generating fertilizer from kitchen wastes are benefit for the environment and even profitable. However, fertilizers made from the wastes are always with bad smell even deodorants have been used. |
| | | |
- | <div class="twelve columns">
| + | :In our project, we will analyze where the bad smells are produced. We are going to genetically engineer bacteria to diminish or reduce the smell. |
| | | |
- | <h1>Style Demo.</h1>
| + | ===Notebook=== |
| + | Show us how you spent your days. |
| | | |
- | <p class="lead add-bottom">At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum
| |
- | deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate.
| |
- | At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium.
| |
- | </p>
| |
| | | |
- | <hr>
| + | ===Results/Conclusions=== |
| + | What did you achieve over the course of your semester? |
| | | |
- | </div>
| |
| | | |
- | </div> <!-- Row End-->
| + | ===Safety=== |
| + | What safety precautions did your team take? Did you take a safety training course? Were you supervised at all times in the lab? |
| | | |
- | <div class="row add-bottom">
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| | | |
- | <div class="six columns add-bottom">
| + | ===Attributions=== |
| + | Who worked on what? |
| | | |
- | <h3>Paragraph and Image</h3>
| |
| | | |
- | <p><a href="#"><img width="120" height="120" class="pull-left" alt="sample-image" src="images/sample-image.jpg"></a>
| + | ===Human Practices=== |
- | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec libero. Suspendisse bibendum.
| + | What impact does/will your project have on the public? |
- | Cras id urna. Morbi tincidunt, orci ac convallis aliquam, lectus turpis varius lorem, eu
| + | |
- | posuere nunc justo tempus leo. Donec mattis, purus nec placerat bibendum, dui pede condimentum
| + | |
- | odio, ac blandit ante orci ut diam. Cras fringilla magna. Phasellus suscipit, leo a pharetra
| + | |
- | condimentum, lorem tellus eleifend magna, eget fringilla velit magna id neque.
| + | |
- | posuere nunc justo tempus leo. </p>
| + | |
| | | |
- | <p>A <a href="#">link</a>,
| |
- | <abbr title="this really isn't a very good description">abbrebation</abbr>,
| |
- | <strong>strong text</strong>,
| |
- | <em>em text</em>,
| |
- | <del>deleted text</del>, and
| |
- | <mark>this is a mark text.</mark>
| |
- | </p>
| |
| | | |
- | </div>
| + | ===Fun!=== |
| + | What was your favorite team snack?? Have a picture of your team mascot? |
| | | |
- | <div class="six columns add-bottom">
| |
| | | |
- | <h3>Drop Caps</h3>
| |
| | | |
- | <p class="drop-cap">Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia,
| + | <forum_subtle /> |
- | there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the
| + | |
- | Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies
| + | |
- | it with the necessary regelialia. Morbi tincidunt, orci ac convallis aliquam, lectus turpis varius lorem, eu
| + | |
- | posuere nunc justo tempus leo. Donec mattis, purus nec placerat bibendum, dui pede condimentum
| + | |
- | odio, ac blandit ante orci ut diam. Cras fringilla magna. Phasellus suscipit, leo a pharetra
| + | |
- | condimentum, lorem tellus eleifend magna, eget fringilla velit magna id neque.
| + | |
- | </p>
| + | |
| | | |
- | <h3>Small Print</h3>
| |
| | | |
- | <p>Buy one widget, get one free!
| |
- | <small>(While supplies last. Offer expires on the vernal equinox. Not valid in Ohio.)</small>
| |
- | </p>
| |
| | | |
- | </div>
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- | <hr />
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- | </div> <!-- Row End-->
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- | <div class="row add-bottom">
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- | <div class="six columns add-bottom">
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- | <h3>Pull Quotes</h3>
| |
| | | |
- | <aside class="pull-quote">
| |
- | <blockquote>
| |
- | <p>It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of
| |
- | sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind
| |
- | texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name
| |
- | of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.</p>
| |
- | </blockquote>
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- | </aside>
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| | | |
- | </div>
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- | <div class="six columns add-bottom">
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- | <h3>Block Quotes</h3>
| |
| | | |
- | <blockquote cite="http://where-i-got-my-info-from.com">
| + | <!-- *** What falls between these lines is the Alert Box! You can remove it from your pages once you have read and understood the alert *** --> |
- | <p>Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is
| + | |
- | to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
| + | |
- | If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.
| + | |
- | </p>
| + | |
- | <cite>
| + | |
- | <a href="#">Steve Jobs</a>
| + | |
- | </cite>
| + | |
- | </blockquote>
| + | |
| | | |
- | <blockquote>
| |
- | <p>Good design is as little design as possible.</p>
| |
- | <cite>Dieter Rams</cite>
| |
- | </blockquote>
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| | | |
- | </div>
| + | <html> |
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- | <hr />
| + | <head> |
| + | <style media="screen" type="text/css"> |
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| + | /*Removes header footer and borders*/ |
| + | |
| + | #contentSub, #search-controls, .firstHeading, #footer-box, #catlinks, #p-logo { |
| + | display:none;} |
| + | #top-section { |
| + | border: none; |
| + | height: 0px;} |
| + | #content { |
| + | border: none;} |
| + | /*Redesigning the top menubar*/ |
| + | /* Removes "teams" from the menubar */ |
| + | /*#menubar > ul > li:last-child {display: none;}*/ |
| + | /* Resizes the menubar to fik the links (default is 400px) */ |
| + | #menubar {width: auto;} |
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| + | <div id="box" style="width: 700px; margin-left: 137px; padding: 5px; border: 3px solid #fe2b33; /*background-color: #fe2b33;*/"> |
| + | <div id="template" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: large; /*color: #f6f6f6*/; padding: 5px;"> |
| + | This is a template page. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS. |
| + | </div> |
| + | <div id="instructions" style="text-align: center; font-weight: normal; font-size: small; /*color: #f6f6f6*/; padding: 5px;"> |
| + | You are provided with this team page template with which to start the iGEM season. You may choose to personalize it to fit your team but keep the same "look." Or you may choose to take your team wiki to a different level and design your own wiki. You can find some examples <a href="https://2009.igem.org/Help:Template/Examples">HERE</a>. |
| + | </div> |
| + | <div id="warning" style="/*text-align: center;*/ font-weight: bold; font-size: small; /*color: #f6f6f6*/; padding: 5px;"> |
| + | You <strong>MUST</strong> have the following information on your wiki: |
| + | <ul style="font-weight:normal;"> |
| + | <li>a team description</li> |
| + | <li>project description</li> |
| + | <li>safety information (did your team take a safety training course? were you supervised in the lab?)</li> |
| + | <li>team attribution (who did what part of your project?)</li> |
| + | </ul> |
| + | You may also wish to add other page such as: |
| + | <ul style="font-weight:normal;"> |
| + | <li>lab notebook</li> |
| + | <li>sponsor information</li> |
| + | <li>other information</li> |
| | | |
- | <div class="row add-bottom">
| + | </ul> |
| + | REMEMBER, keep all of your pages within your teams namespace. <br><span style="font-weight:normal; font-style:italic;">Example: 2013hs.igem.org/Team:Mingdao/Our_Pets</span> |
| + | PS. this is soooooo annoying so I moved it here. -DanielBlue |
| + | </div> |
| + | </div> |
| + | </html> |
| | | |
- | <div class="eight columns add-bottom">
| + | <!-- *********************** End of the alert box *********************** --> |
| | | |
- | <h3 class="add-bottom">Definition Lists</h3>
| |
| | | |
- | <h5>a) Multi-line Definitions (default)</h5>
| + | [[ABC]] |
- | | + | [[明道iGEM]] |
- | <dl>
| + | |
- | <dt><b>This is a term</b></dt>
| + | |
- | <dd>this is the definition of that term, which both live in a <code>dl</code>.</dd>
| + | |
- | <dt><b>Another Term</b></dt>
| + | |
- | <dd>And it gets a definition too, which is this line</dd>
| + | |
- | <dd>This is a 2<sup>nd</sup> definition for a single term. A <code>dt</code> may be followed by multiple <code>dd</code>s.</dd>
| + | |
- | </dl>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <h5>b) Inline Definitions</h5>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <dl class="lining">
| + | |
- | <dt><b>This is a term</b></dt>
| + | |
- | <dd>this is the definition of that term, which both live in a <code>dl</code>.</dd>
| + | |
- | <dt><b>Another Term</b></dt>
| + | |
- | <dd class="micro">And it gets a definition too, which is this line</dd>
| + | |
- | <dd class="micro"> this is a 2<sup>nd</sup> definition for a single term.</dd>
| + | |
- | <dt><b>Term</b></dt>
| + | |
- | <dt><b>Other Defined Term</b></dt>
| + | |
- | <dd><code>dt</code> terms may stand on their own without an accompanying <code>dd</code>, but in that case they <em>share</em> descriptions with the next available <code>dt</code>. You may not have a <code>dd</code> without a parent <code>dt</code>.</dd>
| + | |
- | </dl>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <h5>c) Dictionary-style Definition</h5>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <dl class="dictionary-style">
| + | |
- | <dt><b>This is a term</b></dt>
| + | |
- | <dd>this is the definition of that term, which both live in a <code>dl</code>.</dd>
| + | |
- | <dt><b>Another Term</b></dt>
| + | |
- | <dd>And it gets a definition too, which is this line</dd>
| + | |
- | <dd> this is a 2<sup>nd</sup> definition for a single term.</dd>
| + | |
- | <dt><b>Term</b></dt>
| + | |
- | <dt><b>Other Defined Term</b></dt>
| + | |
- | <dd><code>dt</code> terms may stand on their own without an accompanying <code>dd</code>, but in that case they <em>share</em> descriptions with the next available <code>dt</code>. You may not have a <code>dd</code> without a parent <code>dt</code>.</dd>
| + | |
- | </dl>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <div class="four columns add-bottom">
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <h3>Example Lists</h3>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <ol>
| + | |
- | <li>Here is an example</li>
| + | |
- | <li>of an ordered list</li>
| + | |
- | </ol>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <ul class="disc">
| + | |
- | <li>Here is an example</li>
| + | |
- | <li>of an unordered list</li>
| + | |
- | </ul>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <h3>Stats Tabs</h3>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <ul class="stats-tabs">
| + | |
- | <li><a href="#">1,234 <b>Sasuke</b></a></li>
| + | |
- | <li><a href="#">567 <b>Hinata</b></a></li>
| + | |
- | <li><a href="#">23,456 <b>Naruto</b></a></li>
| + | |
- | <li><a href="#">3,456 <b>Kiba</b></a></li>
| + | |
- | <li><a href="#">456 <b>Shikamaru</b></a></li>
| + | |
- | <li><a href="#">26 <b>Sakura</b></a></li>
| + | |
- | </ul>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <h3>Headers</h3>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <h1>H1 Heading</h1>
| + | |
- | <h2>H2 Heading</h2>
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- | <h3>H3 Heading</h3>
| + | |
- | <h4>H4 Heading</h4>
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- | <h5>H5 Heading</h5>
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- | <h6>H6 Heading</h6>
| + | |
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- | <hr>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <h3>button</h3>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <a class="button" href="#">This is a button</a>
| + | |
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- | </div>
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- | </div> <!-- Row End-->
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- | <div class="twelve columns add-bottom">
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- | <h3 class="add-bottom">Pagination</h3>
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- | <span class="page-numbers prev inactive">Prev</span>
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- | <a href="#" class="page-numbers">4</a>
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- | <a href="#" class="page-numbers">5</a>
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- | <a href="#" class="page-numbers">6</a>
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- | <a href="#" class="page-numbers">8</a>
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- | <a href="#" class="page-numbers next">Next</a>
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- | <h3>Form Styles</h3>
| + | |
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- | <form>
| + | |
- | <fieldset>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <label for="regularInput">Regular Input</label>
| + | |
- | <input type="text" id="regularInput">
| + | |
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- | <label for="regularTextarea">Regular Textarea</label>
| + | |
- | <textarea id="regularTextarea"></textarea>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <label for="selectList">Select List</label>
| + | |
- | <select id="selectList">
| + | |
- | <option value="Option 1">Option 1</option>
| + | |
- | <option value="Option 2">Option 2</option>
| + | |
- | <option value="Option 3">Option 3</option>
| + | |
- | <option value="Option 4">Option 4</option>
| + | |
- | </select>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <fieldset>
| + | |
- | <legend>Checkboxes</legend>
| + | |
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- | <label for="regularCheckbox">
| + | |
- | <input type="checkbox" value="checkbox 1" id="regularCheckbox">
| + | |
- | <span>Regular Checkbox</span>
| + | |
- | </label>
| + | |
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- | <label for="secondRegularCheckbox">
| + | |
- | <input type="checkbox" value="checkbox 2" id="secondRegularCheckbox">
| + | |
- | <span>Regular Checkbox</span>
| + | |
- | </label>
| + | |
- | </fieldset>
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- | <fieldset>
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- | <legend>Radio Buttons</legend>
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- | <label for="regularRadio">
| + | |
- | <input type="radio" value="radio 1" id="regularRadio" name="radios">
| + | |
- | <span>Regular Radio</span>
| + | |
- | </label>
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- | <label for="secondRegularRadio">
| + | |
- | <input type="radio" value="radio 2" id="secondRegularRadio" name="radios">
| + | |
- | <span>Regular Radio</span>
| + | |
- | </label>
| + | |
- | </fieldset>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <button type="submit">Submit Form</button>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | </fieldset>
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- | </form>
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- | <div class="four columns">
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- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <div class="four columns">
| + | |
- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <div class="four columns">
| + | |
- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>
| + | |
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- | <div class="three columns">
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- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Ut dui lectus, ultrices ut, sodales tincidunt,
| + | |
- | viverra sed, nisl. </p>
| + | |
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| + | |
- | | + | |
- | <div class="three columns">
| + | |
- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Ut dui lectus, ultrices ut, sodales tincidunt,
| + | |
- | viverra sed, nisl. </p>
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- | | + | |
- | <div class="three columns">
| + | |
- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Ut dui lectus, ultrices ut, sodales tincidunt,
| + | |
- | viverra sed, nisl. </p>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
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- | <div class="three columns">
| + | |
- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Ut dui lectus, ultrices ut, sodales tincidunt,
| + | |
- | viverra sed, nisl. </p>
| + | |
- | </div>
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- | <!--<h4>1/2 Columns</h4> -->
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- | <div class="six columns">
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- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>
| + | |
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- | <div class="six columns">
| + | |
- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>
| + | |
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- | <div class="eight columns">
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- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor.</p>
| + | |
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- | <div class="four columns">
| + | |
- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
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- | <!--<h4>3/4 Columns</h4> -->
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- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at. </p>
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- | <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor.Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,
| + | |
- | nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,
| + | |
- | faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor.</p>
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Show us how you spent your days.
What safety precautions did your team take? Did you take a safety training course? Were you supervised at all times in the lab?