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| |
- | <h1 align="center">Eutrophication</h1>
| |
- | <p>Eutrophication is the process by which the increased availability
| |
- | of one or more limiting growth factors needed for photosynthesis
| |
- | cause excessive plant and algal growth. Some of these factors are
| |
- | the amount of carbon dioxide, sunlight and nutrient fertilizers.
| |
- | The elements coming from the nutrient fertilizers that especially
| |
- | affect the photosynthesis rate are nitrogen and phosphorus.
| |
- | (Chislock , 2013)<br>
| |
- | Plants require many different nutrients or components for the
| |
- | realization of photosynthesis. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the
| |
- | first components depleted in the water even though there is a
| |
- | greater amount of other needed substances. While performing
| |
- | photosynthesis about 8 times more nitrogen is needed than
| |
- | phosphorus. Thus, phosphorus limits eutrophication if nitrogen is
| |
- | more than 8 times abundant as phosphorus, while nitrogen is the
| |
- | limiting factor when its concentration is less than 8 times
| |
- | abundant as phosphorus. Erosion of surrounding areas is also an
| |
- | important cause of eutrophication because the nutrients of the
| |
- | ground are not retained by the roots of plants and trees that
| |
- | should be there. So deforestation is an environmental element that
| |
- | strongly affects this process. (UNEP, 1)<br>
| |
- | The process of eutrophication of an aquifer occurs naturally over
| |
- | centuries as they are filled with sediments, abundant in nutrients
| |
- | (figure 1). However, this process has been recently much
| |
- | accelerated due to the contamination produced by human activities.
| |
- | The discharges into aquatic systems bring a lot of limiting
| |
- | nutrients for eutrophication, including nitrogen and phosphorus.
| |
- | These polluting human residues thrown up into water systems come
| |
- | from point and non-point pollution sources. (Chislock, 2013)</p>
| |
- | <p><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2014hs/d/df/Project_eutrophication_clip_image001.jpg" alt=""
| |
- |
| |
- | height="161" width="314"></p>
| |
- | <p>Figure 1. Natural eutrophication</p>
| |
- | <p> The term “point source” is referred to
| |
- | as any single, discernible source from where the polluting agent
| |
- | is originated, such as a discharge pipe from a factory, sewage
| |
- | plant. The other term “non-point source” means that the pollution
| |
- | does not come from a single determinate source. This type of
| |
- | pollution happens when water moves across the land and pick in its
| |
- | way human-made pollutants that can be deposited later on in water
| |
- | bodies. (Harvey, 1) <br>
| |
- | There are different levels of eutrophication according to how
| |
- | severe or advanced the process is. The first and harmless
| |
- | classification of eutrophication is the oligotrophic, where there
| |
- | is a low concentration of nutrients in the water and thus less
| |
- | biologic production. Then we have the mesotrophic where there are
| |
- | intermediate levels of nutrient concentrations and there is a
| |
- | moderate biologic production that doesn´t affect severely the
| |
- | aquatic environment. The real problem begins when we get to the
| |
- | eutrophic level where there is an elevated concentration of
| |
- | nutrients and a very high biologic productivity. Another
| |
- | classification is reserved for where the nutrient levels reach
| |
- | extremely dangerous concentrations that take the aquifer´s
| |
- | condition to a critical state; it is called hypertrophic and is
| |
- | almost always caused by the cultural eutrophication. An important
| |
- | indicator for the eutrophication level is chlorophyll. The total
| |
- | amount of chlorophyll represents about 1% of plant biomass, so in
| |
- | this way the total biomass can be estimated allowing the
| |
- | determination of the degree of eutrophication. (Mazzeo, 1)</p>
| |
- | <p><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2014hs/0/03/Project_eutrophication_clip_image002.jpg" alt=""
| |
- |
| |
- | height="164" width="568"></p>
| |
- | <p>Table expressing the characteristic values for each of the
| |
- | eutrophication classifications. (UNEP)<br>
| |
- | Eutrophication brings a lot of complications to aquifers. The
| |
- | enormous creation of dense blooms of noxious, foul-smelling
| |
- | phytoplankton reduces water clarity and harms water clarity. These
| |
- | blooms limit light penetration to the water body. This limiting of
| |
- | sunlight to littoral zones causes the die-offs of the great amount
| |
- | of plants and algae that grew up without control due to
| |
- | eutrophication. When these dense algal blooms eventually die,
| |
- | microorganisms start the decomposition of organic matter and
| |
- | severely deplete the available dissolved oxygen, causing hypoxia
| |
- | or even anoxia. These hypoxic environments are cause of dead zones
| |
- | for most of the inhabiting organisms for the lacking oxygen.
| |
- | (Chislock 2013)<br>
| |
- | The normal levels of dissolved oxygen in water for the maintenance
| |
- | of life are around 6mg/L. Environments are considered hypoxic when
| |
- | the concentration of dissolved oxygen goes below 2.8 mg/L. When
| |
- | the dissolved oxygen levels reach the hypoxic condition many
| |
- | species die. Depending on the size and other characteristics of
| |
- | the organisms, the limiting concentration for survival will have
| |
- | low variations. The hypoxic conditions can change in different
| |
- | lapses of time. They can occur just for a few moments
| |
- | (minutes/hours) or they can reach chronic states that last for
| |
- | weeks or even months, causing depletion of local species.
| |
- | (Cisterna 2008)<br>
| |
- | It is important to supervise aquatic environments conditions´ to
| |
- | prevent the initiation of eutrophic conditions. Eutrophication can
| |
- | kill all life in natural environments. If some symptoms of
| |
- | eutrophication are detected in time it is possible to attack the
| |
- | problem and control it, or even eliminate it. Some methods for
| |
- | controlling eutrophication are:</p>
| |
- | <ul>
| |
- | <li>Covering sediments, preventing release of nutrients.</li>
| |
- | <li>Biomanipulation</li>
| |
- | <li>Using chemicals such as copper sulfate to kill excess of algae</li>
| |
- | <li>Aerating the hypolimnion of a lake, reducing the release of
| |
- | nutrients from the sediments.</li>
| |
- | </ul>
| |
- | <p>(UNEP)<br>
| |
- | </p>
| |
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| |
- | <h3>References</h3>
| |
- | <p>Chislock, M. F., Doster, E., Zitomer, R. A., & Wilson, A.
| |
- | E. (n.d.). Eutrophication: Causes, Consequences, and Controls
| |
- | in Aquatic Ecosystems. <em>Nature.com</em>. Retrieved June
| |
- | 11, 2014, from http://goo.gl/F65ExC</p>
| |
- | <p><br>
| |
- | Juarez-Figueroa, L. A., Silva-Sanchez, J., Uribe-Salas, F. J.,
| |
- | & Cifuentes-Garcia, E. (2003). <em>Microbiological
| |
- | indicators of water quality in the Xochimilco canals, Mexico
| |
- | City</em>. Mexico City: Salud Publica Mex.</p>
| |
- | <p><br>
| |
- | Mazzeo, N., Clemente, J., Garcia-Rodriguez, F., Gorga, J.,
| |
- | Kurk, C., Larrea, D., et al. (2002). <em>Eutrofizacion:
| |
- | Causas, consecuencias y manejo</em>. Montevideo: Montevideo.<br>
| |
- | Water Encyclopedia. (n.d.). <em>Pollution Sources: Point and
| |
- | Nonpoint</em>. Retrieved June 11, 2014, from
| |
- | http://goo.gl/ulQ5SV</p>
| |
- | <p><br>
| |
- | Where Nutrients Come From And How they Cause Eutrophication.
| |
- | (n.d.). <em>Where Nutrients Come From And How they Cause
| |
- | Eutrophication</em>. Retrieved June 11, 2014, from
| |
- | http://goo.gl/Pt1Gf4</p>
| |
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