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            <h1 align="center">Eutrophication</h1>
            <p>Eutrophication is the process by which the increased availability
              of one or more limiting growth factors needed for photosynthesis
              cause excessive plant and algal growth. Some of these factors are
              the amount of carbon dioxide, sunlight and nutrient fertilizers.
              The elements coming from the nutrient fertilizers that especially
              affect the photosynthesis rate are nitrogen and phosphorus.
              (Chislock , 2013)<br>
              Plants require many different nutrients or components for the
              realization of photosynthesis. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the
              first components depleted in the water even though there is a
              greater amount of other needed substances.&nbsp; While performing
              photosynthesis about 8 times more nitrogen is needed than
              phosphorus. Thus, phosphorus limits eutrophication if nitrogen is
              more than 8 times abundant as phosphorus, while nitrogen is the
              limiting factor when its concentration is less than 8 times
              abundant as phosphorus. Erosion of surrounding areas is also an
              important cause of eutrophication because the nutrients of the
              ground are not retained by the roots of plants and trees that
              should be there. So deforestation is an environmental element that
              strongly affects this process. &nbsp;(UNEP, 1)<br>
              The process of eutrophication of an aquifer occurs naturally over
              centuries as they are filled with sediments, abundant in nutrients
              (figure 1). However, this process has been recently much
              accelerated due to the contamination produced by human activities.
              The discharges into aquatic systems bring a lot of limiting
              nutrients for eutrophication, including nitrogen and phosphorus.
              These polluting human residues thrown up into water systems come
              from point and non-point pollution sources. (Chislock, 2013)</p>
            <p><img src="" alt=""
                height="161" width="314"></p>
            <p>Figure 1. Natural eutrophication</p>
            <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The term “point source” is referred to
              as any single, discernible source from where the polluting agent
              is originated, such as a discharge pipe from a factory, sewage
              plant. The other term “non-point source” means that the pollution
              does not come from a single determinate source. This type of
              pollution happens when water moves across the land and pick in its
              way human-made pollutants that can be deposited later on in water
              bodies. (Harvey, 1)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>
              There are different levels of eutrophication according to how
              severe or advanced the process is. The first and harmless
              classification of eutrophication is the oligotrophic, where there
              is a low concentration of nutrients in the water and thus less
              biologic production. Then we have the mesotrophic where there are
              intermediate levels of nutrient concentrations and there is a
              moderate biologic production that doesn´t affect severely the
              aquatic environment. The real problem begins when we get to the
              eutrophic level where there is an elevated concentration of
              nutrients and a very high biologic productivity. &nbsp;Another
              classification is reserved for where the nutrient levels reach
              extremely dangerous concentrations that take the aquifer´s
              condition to a critical state; it is called hypertrophic and is
              almost always caused by the cultural eutrophication. An important
              indicator for the eutrophication level is chlorophyll. The total
              amount of chlorophyll represents about 1% of plant biomass, so in
              this way the total biomass can be estimated allowing the
              determination of the degree of eutrophication. (Mazzeo, 1)</p>
            <p><img src="" alt=""
                height="164" width="568"></p>
            <p>Table expressing the characteristic values for each of the
              eutrophication classifications. (UNEP)<br>
              Eutrophication brings a lot of complications to aquifers. The
              enormous creation of dense blooms of noxious, foul-smelling
              phytoplankton reduces water clarity and harms water clarity. These
              blooms limit light penetration to the water body. This limiting of
              sunlight to littoral zones causes the die-offs of the great amount
              of plants and algae that grew up without control due to
              eutrophication. When these dense algal blooms eventually die,
              microorganisms start the decomposition of organic matter and
              severely deplete the available dissolved oxygen, causing hypoxia
              or even anoxia. These hypoxic environments are cause of dead zones
              for most of the inhabiting organisms for the lacking oxygen.
              (Chislock 2013)<br>
              The normal levels of dissolved oxygen in water for the maintenance
              of life are around 6mg/L. Environments are considered hypoxic when
              the concentration of dissolved oxygen goes below 2.8 mg/L. When
              the dissolved oxygen levels reach the hypoxic condition many
              species die. Depending on the size and other characteristics of
              the organisms, the limiting concentration for survival will have
              low variations. The hypoxic conditions can change in different
              lapses of time. They can occur just for a few moments
              (minutes/hours) or they can reach chronic states that last for
              weeks or even months, causing depletion of local species.
              (Cisterna 2008)<br>
              It is important to supervise aquatic environments conditions´ to
              prevent the initiation of eutrophic conditions. Eutrophication can
              kill all life in natural environments. If some symptoms of
              eutrophication are detected in time it is possible to attack the
              problem and control it, or even eliminate it. Some methods for
              controlling eutrophication are:</p>
              <li>Covering sediments, preventing release of nutrients.</li>
              <li>Using chemicals such as copper sulfate to kill excess of algae</li>
              <li>Aerating the hypolimnion of a lake, reducing the release of
                nutrients from the sediments.</li>
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                <p>Chislock, M. F., Doster, E., Zitomer, R. A., &amp; Wilson, A.
                  E. (n.d.). Eutrophication: Causes, Consequences, and Controls
                  in Aquatic Ecosystems. <em></em>. Retrieved June
                  11, 2014, from</p>
                  Juarez-Figueroa, L. A., Silva-Sanchez, J., Uribe-Salas, F. J.,
                  &amp; Cifuentes-Garcia, E. (2003). <em>Microbiological
                    indicators of water quality in the Xochimilco canals, Mexico
                    City</em>. Mexico City: Salud Publica Mex.</p>
                  Mazzeo, N., Clemente, J., Garcia-Rodriguez, F., Gorga, J.,
                  Kurk, C., Larrea, D., et al. (2002). <em>Eutrofizacion:
                    Causas, consecuencias y manejo</em>. Montevideo: Montevideo.<br>
                  Water Encyclopedia. (n.d.). <em>Pollution Sources: Point and
                    Nonpoint</em>. Retrieved June 11, 2014, from
                  Where Nutrients Come From And How they Cause Eutrophication.
                  (n.d.). <em>Where Nutrients Come From And How they Cause
                    Eutrophication</em>. Retrieved June 11, 2014, from
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Latest revision as of 03:27, 21 June 2014