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| |
- | <h1>Localization</h1>
| |
- | <p>First than all, we have to know what is eutrophication, well
| |
- | the eutrophication is the process of excessive growth of
| |
- | algae and weeds water in the water, caused by phosphates and other
| |
- | pollutants discharged to waters. In a eutrophic aquatic ecosystem
| |
- | two things happen: more oxygen is required to break down and
| |
- | increases the population of organisms known as primary producers:
| |
- | organisms that make photosynthesis, as macroalgae and lilies.
| |
- | These can reach atrophy processes exchange of oxygen and water
| |
- | flow. The liquid is cloudy and the lack of oxygen can devastate
| |
- | populations of various organisms.</p>
| |
- | <h1>How does it affect the lake of Xochimilco?</h1>
| |
- | In hydrological Xochimilco area that is located south of the
| |
- | metropolitan area of Mexico City's 189 miles of canals that have
| |
- | been contaminated by the contribution of sewage, domestic waste,
| |
- | industrial, agricultural and drainage system leaks. This has
| |
- | affected different species of living beings that inhabit the area,
| |
- | causing a decline in biodiversity (Juárez-Figueroa et al., 2003).<br>
| |
- | <br>
| |
- | It is estimated that close to urban centers or agricultural nutrient
| |
- | input to a lake can be accelerated by the activities human, a
| |
- | process known as cultural eutrophication, which is the case with
| |
- | Lake Xochimilco to be within the city of Mexico. This is precisely
| |
- | effluent mainly caused by plants sewage treatment, containing
| |
- | nitrates and phosphates runoff of fertilizers and waste animals and
| |
- | accelerated erosion of eutrophication .The eutrophication derived
| |
- | from crops by the recent addition of phosphates and nitrates, as a
| |
- | result of activities human, it is also a serious problem for lakes,
| |
- | especially Lake Xochimilco. During warm periods, the overhead
| |
- | produce dense growth nutrient vegetables such as algae,
| |
- | cyanobacteria, water lilies and duckweed. Oxygen dissolved in the
| |
- | surface layer of water is near die exhausted when large masses of
| |
- | algae, which fall to the bottom and are decomposed by aerobic
| |
- | bacteria. This can kill fish and other animals water they consume
| |
- | oxygen. If theexcess nutrients continue to flow a body of water, the
| |
- | water reaches the bottom be rotten and almost unusable for living
| |
- | things, because bacteria take over and produce anaerobic decomposing
| |
- | substances with poor odors, such as hydrogen sulfide and the
| |
- | methane.<br>
| |
- | <h2>Factors</h2>
| |
- | <p>The factors affecting the degree of eutrophication are:</p>
| |
- | <ul>
| |
- | <li>Climate: warm climates favor the process.</li>
| |
- | </ul>
| |
- | <ul>
| |
- | <li>Shallow bodies of water and / or low flow are more conducive
| |
- | to the development process</li>
| |
- | </ul>
| |
- | <ul>
| |
- | <li> Drainage Area: little tree cover subject to abundant
| |
- | rainfall tions favors erosion and entrainment of nutrients into
| |
- | the water body</li>
| |
- | </ul>
| |
- | <ul>
| |
- | <li> Geology: In drainage areas where sedimentary rocks
| |
- | predominate vapor no greater phosphorus runoff. Clay soils drain
| |
- | poorly and also favor runoff and result in nutrient supply.</li>
| |
- | </ul>
| |
- | <p><br>
| |
- | The causes of eutrophication include:<br>
| |
- | <br>
| |
- | a) Natural:</p>
| |
- | <ul>
| |
- | <li> atmospheric inputs: precipitation.</li>
| |
- | <li> resuspension of bottom sediments.</li>
| |
- | <li> release from anoxic sediments.</li>
| |
- | <li> breakdown and excretion of organisms.</li>
| |
- | <li> nitrogen-fixing microorganisms.</li>
| |
- | </ul>
| |
- | <p>b) Anthropogenic:</p>
| |
- | <ul>
| |
- | <li> Discharges of industrial, agricultural, municipal and
| |
- | waste treatment plants.</li>
| |
- | <li> Deforestation increases erosion and reduces the
| |
- | recycling of nutrients in the watershed, increasing their income
| |
- | to the water body.</li>
| |
- | <li>Fertilizer applied in excess.</li>
| |
- | <li>Sewage farms (silos, drums).</li>
| |
- | <li>Septic tanks.</li>
| |
- | <li>Detergents with large amounts of phosphorus.</li>
| |
- | <li>Contribution of pollutants from rainwater.</li>
| |
- | <li>Sewer system of cities and towns do.</li>
| |
- | <li>Measures to control eutrophication include:</li>
| |
- | </ul>
| |
- | <p><br>
| |
- | Control of nutrient inputs:</p>
| |
- | <ul>
| |
- | <li>Waste treatment before being poured into the body of water.</li>
| |
- | <li>Restricting the use of phosphate detergents.</li>
| |
- | <li>Control of land use.</li>
| |
- | <li>Prepantanos: remove nutrients from waste water that are fixed
| |
- | in the biomass of algae and macrophytes.</li>
| |
- | <li>Physical and chemical waste water treatment: chemical
| |
- | precipitation and filtration.</li>
| |
- | </ul>
| |
- | <h2>What we found....<br>
| |
- | </h2>
| |
- | <p>Elements found in the lake of Xochimilco <br>
| |
- | </p>
| |
- | <table style="width: 100%; border-spacing: 0px;" border="0">
| |
- | <tbody>
| |
- | <tr>
| |
- | <td>Sample</td>
| |
- | <td style="margin-left: -77px;">1</td>
| |
- | <td>2</td>
| |
- | <td>3</td>
| |
- | <td>4</td>
| |
- | <td>5</td>
| |
- | <td>6</td>
| |
- | <td>7</td>
| |
- | <td>8</td>
| |
- | </tr>
| |
- | <tr>
| |
- | <td>MO mg/LO</td>
| |
- | <td>154</td>
| |
- | <td>251</td>
| |
- | <td>88</td>
| |
- | <td>151</td>
| |
- | <td>555</td>
| |
- | <td>295</td>
| |
- | <td>25</td>
| |
- | <td>75</td>
| |
- | </tr>
| |
- | <tr>
| |
- | <td>Phosphorus mg/L</td>
| |
- | <td>5.8</td>
| |
- | <td>5.6</td>
| |
- | <td>7.6</td>
| |
- | <td>6.7</td>
| |
- | <td>23.0</td>
| |
- | <td>17.1</td>
| |
- | <td>15.0</td>
| |
- | <td>14.2</td>
| |
- | </tr>
| |
- | <tr>
| |
- | <td>pH</td>
| |
- | <td>6.2</td>
| |
- | <td>7.2</td>
| |
- | <td>6.7</td>
| |
- | <td>7.6</td>
| |
- | <td>8.0</td>
| |
- | <td>7.0</td>
| |
- | <td>7.0</td>
| |
- | <td>7.0</td>
| |
- | </tr>
| |
- | <tr>
| |
- | <td>Temperature °C</td>
| |
- | <td>3.8</td>
| |
- | <td>3.8</td>
| |
- | <td>4.8</td>
| |
- | <td>3.8</td>
| |
- | <td>6.9</td>
| |
- | <td>7.0</td>
| |
- | <td>7.0</td>
| |
- | <td>7.0</td>
| |
- | </tr>
| |
- | <tr>
| |
- | <td>Precipitation</td>
| |
- | <td>21.0</td>
| |
- | <td>20.0</td>
| |
- | <td>22.0</td>
| |
- | <td>23.0</td>
| |
- | <td>21.5</td>
| |
- | <td>19.8</td>
| |
- | <td>21.0</td>
| |
- | <td>54</td>
| |
- | </tr>
| |
- | <tr>
| |
- | <td>MO = Organic Mater</td>
| |
- | <td><br>
| |
- | </td>
| |
- | <td><br>
| |
- | </td>
| |
- | <td><br>
| |
- | </td>
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- | <td><br>
| |
- | </td>
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- | <td><br>
| |
- | </td>
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- | <td><br>
| |
- | </td>
| |
- | <td><br>
| |
- | </td>
| |
- | <td><br>
| |
- | </td>
| |
- | </tr>
| |
- | </tbody>
| |
- | </table>
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- | <br>
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- | <h3>References</h3>
| |
- | <p><a href="#"></a>Juárez-Figueroa, L. A., Silva-Sánchez, J.,
| |
- | Uribe-Salas, F. J., & Cifuentes-García, E. (2003). <em>Microbiological
| |
- | indicators of water quality in the Xochimilco canals, Mexico
| |
- | City</em>. Mexico City: Salud Publica Mex.</p>
| |
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