Team:CIDEB-UANL Mexico/hp dnaweek


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iGEM CIDEB 2014 - Project

DNA Week

With the purpose of the iGEM CIDEB Team divulgation inside our high school, we prepared DNA Week. If we want everyone to know more about iGEM and that our high school is participating, we must start inside the institution. Even though CIDEB had been active for two years before us, many students still do not know what it is about. People know about trends, programs, artists, a new song or video game before it is published, but if you ask for science, very few people know something about it, and even less about synthetic biology. We have a vision of having people concerned about science, about synthetic biology, about iGEM, and we are going to reach it.


What is IGEM?

Explains that IGEM is an international competition of synthetic biology, in which about 215 teams around the world participate.

What is synthetic biology?

The creation of biological systems, to give nature a new purpose different from the original.

Talking about DNA

DNA is what encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. 


IGEM in our high school

CIDEB_UANL had been participating in IGEM the last 2 years, obtaining the 3rd place in both.

CIDEB 2014 project

E.CARU consists in 4 modules of Capture of Na+, Aroma of Wintergreen, Resistance to different environments and Union to silica pearls.



We reached our objective. During the explanation, the students seemed surprised about the iGEM competition and the importance of our project. While listening to us and performing the games, the students have become closer to the team members asking more about how are we doing our project, what should they do if they want to participate, what do we do in each one of our teams (math, human practices, safety, etc.), they were even asking us about the posters that were pasted around the high school. They have shown a lot of interest. Even teachers who looked at us came closer to know about whom we were and how do we work.

The response given by the students of curiosity participation and interest is very important to us, because it makes us know we did reached our objective by encouraging and diffusing science. Because we are awaking their scientific interest and their enthusiasm to do something related to it. What the last year was a project known by only few students, today is an expectation for the next semester. And it is even better because some of them are the new iGEM CIDEB generation; the possibilities of gaining people who deserve to be part of the team have increased, because they are informed, they like it, and since now, they expect to approach it.

iGEM CIDEB 2014 - Footer